Sunday, January 5, 2014

Problems: Great Opportunities

Original draft date: December 8, 2009
Life is full of problems, but how you approach those problems often determines whether you’re happy or miserable. Bob Maynard says, “Problems are opportunities in disguise.” If you approach problems with Maynard’s attitude you’ll see that problems are really opportunities to learn about others and yourself. They enable you to live a happier and more fulfilling life. Just like me. Problems help me become a better person.
Problems give me the chance to learn and grow: physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. For example, when my father had lost his job and I was consequently given very little allowance, my problem became an opportunity to develop my physical wellness. Since my short allowance couldn’t even afford my transportation, I had to walk a mile each day to get to school and back. But at the same time, my body became fit and strong. In addition, my appetite was suppressed, thus encouraging a healthy diet.
Another problem that helped me improve as an individual was the loss of our housemaid. Since my parents couldn’t find a new helper, and have their own jobs to keep, I took the opportunity to learn the household chores. Eventually, I learned how to cook rice and prepare simple viands. I also learned how to properly wash the dishes and neatly launder the clothes. My problem had given me the chance to enhance my mental ability by gaining knowledge of those basic feminine skills.
When I also got the problem of transferring to another high school for my third year, it became an opportunity to develop socially. At first, this problem deeply saddened me for it meant leaving my long-time friends and all the fun I’ll be having with them. But later on, it became a blessing. I got a lot of acquaintances, and formed many friendships because of it. Most importantly, it was the reason I found my best friend.
Problems also helped strengthen my spiritual well-being. When my younger sister got a serious illness, it was only at that time I felt so much anxiety. Every minute, I was filled with worry of what might happen to her. However, it was also during that time my faith in God became strong. It was why I felt so much closer to Him now, and continue to believe in Him.
So, you see, wonderful things can come out of problems. You can definitely become a better person through them. You just have to ember to look for the positive things and not focus on the negative. That’s why, the next time you’re faced with a problem, stop and think. Ask yourself if you’re going to take it as a real problem that will crack your head open, or a great opportunity that will teach you things you didn’t know before.

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