Friday, April 4, 2014

Movie Haul 100: January, February, March

Watching movies is mostly done to while away the time, to entertain one's self. However, it can undeniably be a rich source of knowledge as well. One could become verse in sundry subjects by simply allotting time for films. That's why, one of my goals for this year is to be able to watch up to 100 flicks (hence, the title). Though I'm mostly geared towards Hollywood productions, I'm also considering some foreign movies down my alley.

Movies watched: 35


Rating 2/5

I've watched this one at one of SM's Director's Club Cinemas highly expectant of the visual effects and the engaging plot (at least, that's what mythology says). Well, it totally crushed me. Watching this was quite torture, really. Never had I felt such urgency for a movie to finish inside the theater. I mean, the acting was zombie-like, the plot was humdrum etc. Lesson learned? Read the reviews first before investing your time and money on a film. (Like, if it got an Oscars nod, then it's in the bag.)

Rating 4/5

The plot was all about hustling as per the title goes, but what totally amazed me was the film's ability to con its viewers as well. I don't know about the others, but this one totally bluffed me. All along, I never thought it was Christian Bale and Jeremy Renner on screen. But, nevertheless, this one showcased the dedication of America in fighting corruption. I truly salute their FBI agents' fealty in getting notorious officials behind bars (having celebrations and all when they catch one). How I wish our own men can be as steadfast.

Rating 3/5

I have the penchant for films which are related to my own life. So, since I've worked at a call center before, I've decided to spin this one on my player. It's a local film so I don't have much expectation on the plot. It revolves around mother and daughter relationship as well as romantic love. However, I didn't expect to like Enchong Dee on this one. He got me rooting for his character all along. Aside from that, I got to know that Americans are lonely people ( I get it).

FROZEN (2013)

Rating 4/5

A modern take on cartoons, this one gave a more realistic view on life and love. Unlike the fairy tales that we grew up with where love at first sight (Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Snow White) or meeting a man in your dream (Sleeping Beauty) is possible, the movie deals with the more serious side of Cupid's hallmark. Surely, you can't marry the man you just met in one day and true love's kiss is not the only way to break a spell. Aside from that, it is only by being true to yourself and loving your imperfections you can achieve happiness (Listen to Elsa's song, "Let It Go" and be inspired). Having utopian dreams won't hurt as well. Who knows you could be as lucky as Olaf, the snowman who dreamt of sunbathing...and did!

Rating 4/5

Dream about romance and you'll find it here. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence's chemistry is so great in this flick. You could feel the anguish, the insanity, the love and everything this film wants to convey through it's characters. One other thing I love is the realistic nature of the plot. You could see it happening in an ordinary person's life. Albeit while watching, I keep on assuming Tiffany was Pat's wife and that the latter got some sort of amnesia which got me confused in the end. But other than that, I had good time watching this. 

Rating: 3/5

Two things I like about this: the soundtrack and the stunts. The plot was ok. It won't doze you off but it won't get you at the edge of your seat as well. Jackie Chan, as always, got incredible moves and flawless executions. It would have been so nice to watch this with my family. It's great for bonding moments.


Rating: 3/5

I've watched the first half of this last year and decided not to continue because I don't wanna see the harrowing fate of R as a zombie. I grew to love him (he's so funny and cute!) and just don't want to see him hurt 'cause what can you expect from the love story of a human and a zombie? It's flatly not feasible. However, because of my movie goal for 2014, I have to get my hands on as much movies as I can. So, here I am, finished watching this film. It turned out that it was an amazing swan song after all. R became human and the warming zombies got to coexist with the normal people (as they were on their way to becoming humans as well). Nicholas Hoult is awesome in this flick by the way. I sure developed a crush on him.

Rating: 4/5

This is one crazy movie. Leonardo DiCaprio was such an "insane" actor. He was able to perfectly pull off the character of Jordan Belfort, the unscrupulous businessman who's focused on getting rich quick through the stock market; a sex maniac and certified drug addict. No wonder he got an Oscar nod for this one (I sure do hope he wins!). Like the American Hustle, the film upheld the integrity of an FBI agent (which made me just relentless as ever to take the Foreign Service exams so that I could start my dream of becoming a smart and honorable diplomat). I also learned how taboo bribery is in the US (You know what I'm wishing right now). Other than that, this is one great production with astounding visuals, colorful plot, and superb acting. And, having Wall Street as the canvas couldn't have been much better (I work in the brokerage industry, that's why).


Rating 3/5

Love to have Mila Kunis' drooling sexy bod in this movie. Tell you what, that's the first thing I've noticed aside from her enviable sun-kissed complexion which made me love my own tan color. But anyways, this movie is your typical rom-com where friends became lovers (with the guy realizing his own feelings near the end). It's just that sex is incorporated in that so-called friendship (now that's one thing). While watching, it made me question my own concept of sex and virginity. Having brought up in conservative country, being "untouched" until marriage is highly observed. I even have a friend who couldn't leave his current boyfriend because he was the "first" and she's afraid that no other man would accept her anymore for that fact. Well, this flick tells you otherwise. Sex is just an act; a pure touching of the body to elicit pleasure. It is one of our basal needs like food, clothing, and shelter. That's what Kunis' and Justin Timberlake's characters agreed on this film which aftermath to them becoming "friends with benefits". But of course, they have to fall in love eventually so as to satisfy the romance-raving audience.


Rating 3/5

One of Julia Roberts' classics. I could say she's pretty awesome in this one as she was in "My Bestfriend's Wedding". It's strange but I fell for both of his leading men in the two flicks, especially in this one. I'm so enamored by Hugh Grant's British accent (I'm a fan now). I've realized that the character he gave life in this film is my typical kind of guy: unassuming and thoughtful. Though the plot is kind of stale and typical, I had fun oberving the fashion of the 90's. Thank God I hadn't been an adult in that era 'cause the style was simply tedious. I can't believe film actresses got wardrobes like Ana's (Julia Robert's character).


Rating 3/5

Starring Freddie Highmore from the Spiderwick Chronicles whom I totally adore. This film depicts music as a form of an invisible connection that links us with our loved ones so that wherever they maybe, their paths would surely cross ours one day. It came out as a surprise as well that Jonathan Rhys Myers is actually a crooner (or at least that's what he got to be in this movie, but no doubt he could sing and actually "rocks" in that matter). If you're into non-lyrical melodies anyways and more inclined into addictive on-the-beat tunes, this flick will also be a nice treat for you.

ROBOCOP (2014)

Rating 3/5

Seldom do I watch films in cinemas because of the price. So, unless they got awesome effects or I highly favor the main lead, I tend to just watch movies at my ever dependable portable DVD player. However, when my bestfriend's boyfriend decided to treat me for a ticket to the movie house, I readily agreed (we're gonna watch it together with my bestfriend, of course, so no need to start insinuating dear reader..LOL). Anyways, Robocop offers a fresh take on the concept of robots. Always we are amazed by these intelligent machines that could easily outdo our own capabilities and skills making them perfect as crime busters. The movie dwells on the question that what if, robots replace the guys in the security sector? Namely, the cops and the army. It'll not only mean the surety of justice but also the preservation of life of those people currently doing the risky job. But on the other end, it also exposes us to the fact that robots are without emotion which make them ruthless creatures that wouldn't have the slightest remorse "if it kills a child." Now, the latter is the thing that baffles me. I mean, as long as the end is met, (that is, justice is served) why bother? Couldn't robots be programmed not to kill the innocent? But somehow, that made me think twice. What if a software virus hacks these things, spiral them out of control, and annihilate the human race? Now that's something creepy.


Rating: 3/5

I've read the book so you can't fathom the giddiness in me to be able to watch the movie version. But sadly, the latter didn't quite delivered. It deviated by almost half of what was actually created by Rick Riordan (he's the author). Aside from that, Logan Lerman's swoon-worthy countenance throughout the film failed to obscure his lack of acting skills. But perhaps I should take it easy on him. Anyways, he's just a new kid in the block. Who knows if he'll be as darn good as Leonardo Di Caprio in the coming days. Now, down to my lesson-after-watching-the-movie: don't expect a 2-hour film to contain all the details of over a hundred-paged book. How could you expect one to slosh the contents of a gallon of water into an 8 oz glass. Surely, it would be one hell of a messy drink. And imagine if it'll happen onscreen.


Rating: 4/5

Timothy's adorableness is oozing in this film. The way he looks at you with his big innocent peepers, his endearing frankness, his cutesy gait, and his overall mature demeanor couldn't help but let you fall in love with this little man. How I awfully admire him and wish I could have the same qualities. But not so much on the physical of course. Like Timothy, I want to build the same courage to speak out one's mind despite others opionions and stay positive amidst adversities. You know, I'm such a timid and insecured person. Many of my life's experiences were sour due to that enduring charateristic of mine. In my craving to please everybody, I ended up being someone else. People eventually realize in the end that I'm nothing but an empty shell, a hypocrite for that matter. So, no doubt I was totally inspirited by little Mr. Green. He showed that life would be better if we just try to be our own simple self.

47 RONIN (2013)

Rating: 4/5

"The world is just a preparation for the next. But all we can ask is that we live it having loved and being loved." - Kai

This film screams of loyalty and honor on every side (and death as well). Now I understand why the Japanese people are so keen in protecting their integrity and how life (and even love) could thus be naught when pride is on the line. It was because they choose to honor their forebears who burned with fealty and died with flawless rectitude in the past by immortalizing their qualities. Probably that partly explains why their country is one of  the top when it comes to military prowess. My land's own heroes had been quite as feverish if we'll speak of history's bravery, but sadly most of our people opt to let them rest and be forgotten along with their valor and morals in the cold grave.


Rating: 2/5

First thing I've noticed was Maricel Soriano's face lift which only the blind would spurn. It was looking so out of the line compared to Eugene Domingo's visage. How dreadful! It would have been better if she hadn't gone under the knife. But albeit, this flick is a comedy poorly executed. Billy Crawford and Andi Eigenmann's baddddd acting skills worsened by Soriano's trying-hard attempt at comedy (and her edited face..hehe) made this flick dull and tedious. The only part that brought out laughter from my parched throat (and facial-masked face) was Crawford's on-the-verge-of-crying scene. Now, that's high-five to comedy!


Rating: 5/5

Talk about comedy and here it is! "The funniest movie I've seen in ages" would be an understatement for this flick. I totally laughed my heart out while watching it run on my approximately 8-inch screen. The concept was just so fresh, nobody's overacting, and the humor...oh the humor...was simply amazing (let me borrow this for a second SMART). Though it's Rated R for it's raunch, who the f*** cares?! We're having a good time baby! If you're into a venture for certified comedic films, then this one shouldn't be last on your list. (For the those on the lookout for hot guys, Bradley Cooper is one totally sizzling male specie you'll enjoy so much that you wouldn't want to rid of "hangover". Like me!..haha)


Rating: 5/5

The first one happened in the sinful city of Las Vegas. The sequel? Where else but at Vegas' sister, Bangkok. Since I was so intoxicated by Part 1, I was quite alacritous in feasting my eyes with Part 2. Though I'm sometimes skeptical when it comes to sequels 'cause they might not live up to the first, I had set aside my entire reservations for this flick. Thank God, I made the perfect verdict. This season was the ultimate rival of the prior (and it could even win). We are back with the madness, ecstacy, ingenuity, and comedy of the Wolf Pack. I can say I'm now a solid fan of this "san baka" (Kaichou wa Maid Sama, anyone?). Never had a comedy this good since "Outsourced".


Rating: 4/5

Don't blame me, but I was expecting the same building blocks for this movie: wedding, bachelor party, and drugs. For some reason though, the crew just decided to drop them. I highly suspect the reviews by critics saying the second installation was a carbon copy of the first. Hellions. But, what can I do? I'm just another viewer who takes pleasure in films (worsened by my patronage for pirated copies..hehe). Albeit, that doesn't change the fact that I'm biased to the 1st and 2nd movie script of this film. This third one turned out to be just okay, not magnificent nor astounding, simply because they didn't follow the original concept. Part III suddenly lost itself in the sea of comical flicks.


Rating: 3/5

How romantic Shakespeare's era was! From garb to tounge, one will helplessly fall into the abyss of love. " I yearn to chance upon mine own prince like Juliet had with her Romeo". And that, my dear friends, was the aftermath of watching this movie..haha. Somehow, it left me confused on whether I'll feel cheated or thankful to have seen it. Cheated because I thought it will offer some twist into Shakespeare's timeless romantic tragedy but turned out it was your school play in English Literature. On the other hand, thankful because it had given me the chance to delve into the lyrical world of the 14th century with its flowery words and romantic attires. It had me wanting to create a Time Machine to be in that age.


Rating: 3/5

I would categorize this one with the likes of "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" and "August Rush". It is a movie that gives lessons about life. If "Schindler's List" narrates the harrowing fate of the Jews during World War II, this one shows the other side of the box: the story of the Germans. The title though, contributed less to the plot 'cause it was more like of a hobby of the protagonist but clearly hadn't much impact on the storyline. I mean, it lacked the twist that I was kind of expecting. But nevertheless, it was a great panoramic view of Hitler's era.


Rating: 3/5

This kind of employed a new technique of creating motion pictures. The story was fast-paced but it sporadically focuses the lens on a particular object for a span of around 2 minutes. Prolly to make it more dramatic, I don't know. But one thing for sure, it made me cringe and wanna hit the fast-forward button. Anyways, this film won the Oscars for Best Picture and I couldn't agree more. The visuals were quite astounding because of its vividness and detail. Although I was a bit skeptic about Lupita Nyong'o winning the Best Supporting Actress over Jennifer Lawrence from American Hustle 'cause I would say the latter's pretty good at portraying the troubled and unpredictable wife of Christian Bale. I was also expecting a lot of tears to shed from watching this since it's about Nigger slavery but the scenes weren't so tormenting that I managed to keep my composure. I thought it would be the same with the Filipino film, "Magnifico" in which I cried like silly.

GRAVITY (2013)

Rating: 3/5

I don't quite understand how this garnered numerous trophies during the annual Academy Awards. Because, entertainment-wise speaking, it's dull and tedious. Watching a space documentary is a lot more interesting for at least you'll learn something. This? It's more of Sandra Bullock panting the whole time. I remember one leaving a comment in the movie's Youtube trailer saying that he was afraid his father might think he's watching a porn. But, oh well, who am I to question the judges' verdict in the Oscars. It just left me wondering how the term 'amusement' fits in these critics' vocabulary 'cause movies have to entertain before anything else, right?


Rating: 3/5

Another seriously overrated film. The critics said 'Spectacular', 'A Must See', Genius Idea', 'No Resisting' etc. So, being the sucker that I am for good movies to entertain my sluggish life, I eagerly swam to the fish hook and got baited and slaughtered. I was bitterly unimpressed by the whole plot. My sole consolation was the nice piano piece the protagonist was playing, but other than that? Might as well throw this in the trash and score a three-point shoot.

Rating: 4/5

Watched this at SM Aura's IMAX theatre. And I would say, good thing I did 'cause it's definitely worth it. I felt an almost kinship with the characters simply because I was with them the whole time (watching it in 3D gives you that feeling). Story-wise, it was good though mediocre is more like the term for it. Nothing gripping about the plot 'cause it's your usual medieval action-movie. What made it spectacular is the insertion of 3D glasses for me to witness the blood of war, hunger for revenger, and thirst for victory in a surreal manner. Definitely, a must see in 3D.

Rating: 3/5

Didn't have much of the laughing gas effect. In fact, the movie almost had a serious note on it. Considering having Vic Sotto in the house (or rather on the screen), I was expectant of die-hard comedy that'll have you rolling on your belly. Turned out, not really. I wonder if I should stop watching commercialized Filipino comedy 'cause they always have the same building blocks. Most of the time, you'll know what happens next and that's the most vexing part in watching a film. And the bland comedy doesn't help, either.


Rating: 4/5

First impression? It's a love story like "Silver Linings Playbook". After all, it was a Rachel McAdams film and we all know her forte, right? Well, consider this film as an exception. Though it's not completely devoid of any romance but the element was a bit sidelined as the story focuses more on the essence of time and life. I could almost stack it together with "August Rush" or "The Book Thief". Nevertheless, I love how the story progressed. I could say it turned out much better than having the protagonist time-travel throughout the film and end in finding his true love.

Rating: 3/5

The romantic in me inserted this movie in my player and had me watch it. I could say that though the film tried so hard to present a new concept in the stereotyped Filipino love story, it just didn't work for me. I totally figured out how the romance would wrap up (better luck next time, screenwriters). But well, I was looking for cheesiness so here's one full serving for me. Nevertheless, I bet the meal they tried to cook might taste well for others 'cause the ingredients are there though for a romantic aroma. It just so happened that I still find "No Other Woman" the epitome of Filipino love stories.

Rating: 3/5

Expected, expected, expected. Seems like I'm getting the hang of movies that I could always see the pattern of the plot, how the story will run and end. And folks, I tell you, that is frickin' bad. That would simply mean that I would lose my appetite for films and I don't want that to happen. I had my 500 movie-watching goal for this year at stake. So, back with the subject, this gotta be one of the forgettable films I've seen. Nothing new, nothing thrilling, everything is like connecting dots to form a straight line. Better watch at your expense, then.

Rating: 5/5

Now, this is what I call a movie. Entertaining. Period. Catching Fire continues the story of the winners of the last Hunger Games and what's in store for them would highly surprise you. While watching, I could almost feel the fear of being in the game, of being one of the tributes. Most of my colleagues who watched it earlier said that the ending was quite hanging so I thought the movie would end just before the next game begins. I've seen it and it didn't. In fact, the ending was perfect. It allows just enough speculation for the next installment but it didn't (I think) leave the audience frustrated 'cause it was seemingly cut in the middle. So, without further ado, let's start the countdown for Mockingjay.

Rating: 5/5

Well, well, well. I've got the lovebirds (Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult) starring in the two consecutive films I've watched. And I couldn't have been more pleased. I first considered this movie to be just another "I, Frankenstein" and though I'm not so keen in investing my time to another one of that kind, I decided on this one because Hoult will be the main lead. I fell for him in "Warm Bodies" that I knew I must see him again. So here I went and discovered a "movie". First thing that came to mind to describe this flick: Brilliant! Just when I thought the ending was around the corner, in reality it was still a mile away. How I adore the plot! It got the thrill of the unknown (which I liked best!) and the right amount of comedy and romance. Definitely, jotted on my unforgettable list.

Rating: 3/5

This is bursting with action! Even though it's quite an old flick and probably one of Angelina's earliest stint in motion pictures, it could undeniably compete with the most contemporary action films. The stunts are simply superb, especially the shark scene. Story-wise, albeit, it didn't deliver much. The plot was kind'a cliche and somewhat perplexing near the end (I attribute it to my loose grasp of American accent...I didn't quite understand most of the lines..haha). But then, if you prefer stunt-filled productions, you might want to try this one.

Rating: 3/5

As the title goes, this is the life of the Filipino saint, Pedro Calungsod. He's the patron saint of SM Aura's chapel where I frequent the Sunday masses. So, it's a good thing I was able to have learned his biography. When it comes to the movie though, the performance was kind of robotic. It wasn't much of a "mover", in simple terms. Since I'm aware that Saint Calungsod end up being thrown to the bottom of the sea for his faith, I was expecting a tear-jerking dramatization of his life. But sadly, none of that happened. Rocco Nacino was just too old to play the young and innocent Pedro. Nothing could actually hide the maturity in him despite his acting. So my verdict? Watch this film, but only if you would like to gain knowledge about Saint Calungsod. Otherwise, don't bother.


Rating 3/5

This is one of my unfinished business last year. I've decided to stop watching it before because the copy wasn't good and plot wasn't engrossing, either. My only consolation, of course, is the beauty of Henry Cavill. I remembered seeing photo of him on the internet and wondered how could such creation exist (where the hell did that popped out of my brain!!!). But then, of course, reality always win. Without good acting and an engaging story, a movie will always fail to capture the heart of the audience (ok, at least, MY heart), even though the protagonist may look one hell of a Greek god. Albeit, this flick had some good points as well. The visuals were darn good (if you'll watch it in 3D, be ready to fly with Superman). And, Amy Adams was Lois Lane. I didn't realize how she could be enviably sexy until this film.

Rating 4/5

I will site reasons why this movie is a must-watch. First, it's Sherlock Holmes, the renowed classical detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The mere mention of his name will make any story interesting. I've read several of his adventures when I was in High School and they're A-list mind-bogglers. You'll never tire of flipping through the pages to quench the suspense. Second, it's gonna be Robert Downey Jr.'s show! I was utterly mesmerized by his eyes when I saw him in Iron Man 3. Those large, heavily-lashed eyes, makes him swoon-worthy to giddy girls like me. So, when Sherlock Holmes was out and he's the main lead, that kind'a sealed the deal for me to watch the film. And thirdly, we have Rachel McAdams in the house! I sooo adore her choice of projects. She got such a soft, alluring voice (which I only sort of realized while watching this film) that make her mostly love-themed movies even more romantic. So, I know the reasons somewhat got the depth of a puddle, but if you like the same subjects as much as I do then go for this one.

Do you have the same appetite for films? 

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